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Using Rocketship Workflows Inside Tickets
The Rocketship Workflow engine is the boost that propels Autotask ticket automations such as appointment scheduling and ticket routing. In addition to the built-in Workflows provided you can create custom Workflows to streamline your Autotask tickets, projects and tasks.

Just follow these steps to get started with Workflows:
- Navigate to Workflows -> Custom Workflows in the Rocketship Admin panel
- Select New
- Enter a Name
- Set Publish->Published to Yes to make it available in the Ticket window
- Choose Workflow actions from the following categories as desired:
- Changes to Service Call Status
- Changes to Tickets
- Changes to Ticket Due Date
- Changes to Projects
- Changes to Tasks
- Select Save
- Now your Workflow is ready to use on the Rocketship/CMD panel in a Ticket.
So unleash the power of Workflows in Rocketship to save time with ticket categories, due dates, queues and much more!