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Understanding Adaptive Autotask Work Schedules

Work Schedules are how Rocketship knows the availability of a given user. It’s particularly important to how SmartWorkQ organizes and schedules Next Activities for a user. (You can review Work Schedules and its types via this KB article.)

When using Work Schedules, you can leave the user configured against the Autotask Work Schedule or create a custom Work Schedule. Autotask Work Schedules have a special feature known as “Adaptive Work Schedules.”

Autotask Work Schedules Change Automatically

This Adaptive Work Schedule triggers when a user is updated in Autotask with a new internal location. This feature does NOT trigger if the user is configured in Rocketship with a custom Work Schedule. When triggered, Rocketship will automatically update the Rocketship user to use the correct Autotask Work Schedule to match the configuration in Autotask.

Example Scenario

To better understand the impact, let’s use an example.

  • Bob is assigned to the Autotask Internal Location “HQ”.
  • In Rocketship, Bob is assigned to the Autotask Work Schedule “HQ” (this is automatic for newly imported users).
  • You update Autotask so that Bob is now assigned to the Autotask Internal Location “France”.
  • On the next Autotask sync, Rocketship will automatically update Bob to use the Work Schedule “France”.

This is done to ensure Rocketship matches the configuration in Autotask.

How to Avoid Adaptive Autotask Work Schedules

To avoid this, you simply need to assign Bob to a custom Work Schedule. For example, if Bob is assigned to the Autotask Internal Location “HQ” but is remote and works a different timezone, you may create a custom Work Schedule “Remote PST TZ”.

Now, if you update Bob’s Internal Location in Autotask to “France”, nothing will happen in Rocketship.

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In this webinar, Dustin Puryear, Autotask expert and MSP industry veteran, will show you how to set up Kanban boards in Autotask, integrate them with your workflow rules, and how to get the most out of them.

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