Autotask professional services automation (PSA) contracts are optional billing arrangements that provide flexibility in setting billing methods, labor rates, and managing prepayments for services provided.
In Autotask you can set up multiple contracts for an individual customer with each contract featuring a different business logic and billing rates.

Here is a review of what you can do using Autotask contracts:
- Bill customers a fixed monthly charge based on the number of contacts or assets. Many customers like the simplicity of this option by defining billing rules that support price tiers and volume discounting.
- A time and materials contract allows you to alter the hourly rates you charge for your services, either across the board or for specific projects or tickets, without changing your overall billing rates.
- Offer customers a managed services business model in the form of a recurring service contract which allows you to bill a fixed recurring fee for defined services. The benefit for customers and MSPs alike is that it makes the cost of customer IT services predictable and budget aligned as well as provides the MSP a recurring revenue stream.
- Manage a fixed price contract in which your company agrees to complete a set of tasks for one fixed price, regardless of the internal labor and materials costs you incur.
- Manage prepaid labor in the form of block hour contracts in which you track prepayment in terms of hours of service you owe a customer.
- Manage prepaid labor in the form of retainer contracts which keep track of a remaining balance after billable labor is subtracted for services rendered.
- Manage prepaid labor in the form of per ticket contracts which allow you to charge a fixed fee per case or incident.
- Associating contracts with a service level agreement (SLA) can be used to apply service level agreements to tickets which offers a more consistent and reliable approach.
- Determine how labor is approved by allowing you to specify who reviews each time entry before it gets posted to the customer account.
If there is no contract in place, Autotask uses the time tracked by your resources, the default labor rates set up by your Administrator, and the multipliers configured for your work types. Learn how to get the most out of Autotask with our Guide to using Autotask to Track WIns.