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Why Your MSP Might Fail

Running an MSP can sometimes feel like juggling flaming torches—except some of those torches are on fire because you haven’t been paid yet. Trust me, I’ve been there. There were years where I wrestled either with burnout or cash flow issues (mostly from being slow to collect payments). It’s a tough gig, and if you’re not careful, the stress can sneak up on you. But it’s not all late nights and unpaid invoices. With some smart planning (and probably a lot of coffee), you can dodge the most common mistakes that sink MSPs and actually make it to a place where weekends are for relaxing, not catching up on everything that slipped during the week. Here’s why many MSPs fail and how you can avoid the same fate.

The Trap of Underpricing Services

Underpricing is like opening a gourmet restaurant and charging for fast food. Sure, you’ll get a ton of customers—until you realize you can’t cover the rent. Many MSPs start out underpricing to land clients, but then they can’t afford the resources needed to scale or provide quality service. Cheap clients mean more headaches and fewer profits.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Get serious about your pricing model—if it doesn’t cover your costs and leave room for profit, it’s broken.
  2. Use value-based pricing: charge based on the outcome you deliver, not just the time you spend.
  3. Educate clients on the value you bring, so you’re not competing on price but on quality and results.

How to Spot It:
If your bank account looks the same every month despite onboarding new clients—or worse, if you’re losing money on each new contract—you’re underpricing. Also, if clients are constantly arguing over minor increases or nickel-and-diming you on every invoice, it’s a red flag.

Clinging to the Break-Fix Model

The break-fix model is like the landline of the IT world: outdated, inconvenient, and prone to sudden interruptions. Relying on break-fix services keeps your cash flow unpredictable and your stress levels high. You’re basically gambling on things breaking—which isn’t exactly the best long-term business strategy.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Transition to a fully managed services model where you get predictable, recurring revenue.
  2. Educate your clients on the benefits of managed services—fewer headaches for them, more stability for you.
  3. Start offering hybrid solutions while phasing out break-fix contracts over time.

How to Spot It:
If your week is a blur of emergency calls, chasing down invoices, and “can you fix this ASAP?” texts at 2 a.m., you’re stuck in break-fix mode. Also, if you have no idea what your monthly revenue will be, it’s time for a managed services overhaul.

Lacking Focus on a Niche

Trying to serve every type of client is like trying to be both a sushi chef and a barbecue pitmaster—someone’s getting a disappointing meal. Without a clear focus, your marketing is scattered, your expertise is thin, and your service suffers. MSPs that succeed know their audience and deliver solutions tailored to them.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Pick a niche—whether it’s healthcare, legal, or working exclusively with companies that have a certain tech stack—and own it.
  2. Build expertise in that niche so you become the go-to MSP for those clients.
  3. Refine your marketing to speak directly to that audience’s pain points, not everyone’s problems.

How to Spot It:
If your client list is a random mix of industries and sizes, and your marketing materials feel more like a general IT manual than a focused pitch, you’re spreading yourself too thin. Bonus points if you’re spending way too much time learning every new software your clients throw at you.

Poor Cash Flow Management

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, and poor cash management is one of the quickest ways to go belly up. Whether you’re offering overly generous payment terms or selling discounted blocks of time that clients never use, the result is the same: future-you is stuck trying to pay today’s bills with tomorrow’s money.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Set clear, consistent payment terms—don’t be afraid to ask for deposits or up-front payments.
  2. Avoid selling massive blocks of time that don’t expire. Instead, focus on recurring, regular billing.
  3. Hire a bookkeeper or invest in financial software that gives you real-time insights into your cash flow.

How to Spot It:
If you’re constantly juggling which bills to pay first or holding your breath waiting for clients to send their checks, cash flow management is likely an issue. If that sweet prepaid time package from two years ago is still sitting in your liabilities column, you’re in trouble.

Scaling Operations Without Standardization

Trying to scale without standardizing is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture without the instructions—frustrating, messy, and ultimately ineffective. As your client base grows, the lack of standardized processes will slow you down, leading to inefficiencies, stressed-out staff, and unhappy clients.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Document your processes—everything from onboarding new clients to troubleshooting common issues.
  2. Invest in automation tools to handle repetitive tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more strategic work.
  3. Train your staff to follow the standardized processes consistently.

How to Spot It:
If every task feels like reinventing the wheel and your team is constantly firefighting instead of following a clear workflow, you’re operating in chaos mode. If client onboarding feels like an adventure instead of a routine, you’re missing standardization.

Partner Conflicts

Partner conflicts can be the death of even the most promising MSP. It doesn’t matter how brilliant your strategy is—if you and your partner can’t agree on key decisions, the business will suffer. Misaligned expectations, clashing visions, or just plain bad communication can turn a partnership into a sinking ship.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Establish clear roles and responsibilities from day one.
  2. Schedule regular check-ins to discuss business goals, challenges, and adjustments.
  3. Create a partnership agreement that includes a plan for resolving conflicts and what happens if things go south.

How to Spot It:
If you’re avoiding conversations with your partner or feel like you’re constantly arguing over key decisions, the partnership is becoming a liability. If progress has slowed to a crawl because you’re deadlocked on major issues, it’s time for a serious talk.

Hiring Mediocre Staff

Hiring “good enough” staff is like choosing a low-end graphics card for gaming—it’ll work, but it won’t get you where you want to go. Mediocre employees drag down client satisfaction, create more work for your high-performers, and ultimately slow your growth.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Hire slow, fire fast. Make sure each hire is not just good but great at what they do.
  2. Invest in training and development for your team to keep them sharp and engaged.
  3. Build a strong company culture that attracts and retains top talent.

How to Spot It:
If you find yourself constantly stepping in to fix mistakes or smoothing things over with frustrated clients, you might have a staffing problem. If turnover is high or morale is low, you’re not attracting or keeping the right people.

Ignoring Sales and Marketing

If you’re ignoring sales and marketing, you’re basically living in a quiet corner of the internet, hoping clients will magically find you. Spoiler: they won’t. A lot of MSPs focus too much on technical work and forget that, without new clients coming in, there’s no business to keep afloat.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Dedicate time each week to marketing your MSP. No excuses.
  2. Invest in a sales strategy—whether that’s hiring a sales team or building your own pipeline.
  3. Track where your leads are coming from and double down on what’s working.

How to Spot It:
If your last new client came in months ago, or you’re relying solely on word of mouth and hoping for the best, it’s time to wake up. If you cringe when you hear the word “marketing,” you’ve probably been ignoring it.

Lack of Recurring Revenue Focus

If you’re constantly chasing new projects instead of locking in recurring revenue, you’re running on a hamster wheel that never stops. MSPs live or die by their recurring revenue. Without it, you’ll be forever hunting for the next big project just to keep the lights on.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Build your services around recurring contracts and long-term relationships, not one-off projects.
  2. Focus on upselling existing clients into managed service agreements.
  3. Set up contracts that automatically renew to ensure steady, predictable income.

How to Spot It:
If you’re celebrating every new project like a lottery win but struggling during the in-between months, you’re not focusing on recurring revenue. If your income fluctuates wildly from month to month, you’ve got a problem.


Burnout is the slow poison of MSPs. Many owners try to do everything themselves—handling tech support, billing, sales, and more—until they collapse under the weight of it all. Burnout doesn’t just affect your health, it affects the entire business, dragging everything down with it.

Mitigate the Risk:

  1. Delegate as much as you can—hire for roles you don’t need to personally handle.
  2. Set clear work-life boundaries (yes, this applies to you as the owner, too).
  3. Invest in tools and processes that streamline your workload and reduce manual tasks.

How to Spot It:
If you’re constantly working late, feeling drained, and losing your passion for the business, you’re on the road to burnout. If every minor setback feels like the end of the world, it’s


In this webinar, Dustin Puryear, Autotask expert and MSP industry veteran, will show you how to set up Kanban boards in Autotask, integrate them with your workflow rules, and how to get the most out of them.

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