The approach in the Autotask CRM (Customer Relationship Management) model is unique from other contact management platforms because it focuses on relationships with organizations rather than individuals.

When using the CRM feature in Autotask it all begins with creating a Company. A company is any business you have a relationship with such as a customer, vendor, or partner.
A Contact in Autotask CRM is a person associated with a company. Contacts are important, but they may be subject to change as individuals may leave a company, whereas your business relationship with a company continues.
In Autotask an Opportunity represents potential business and sales revenue that you are managing in CRM. For example network implementations, software deployments, or consulting engagements are opportunities.
Using Autotask’s CRM you can add detail to opportunities by generating Quotes. A quote may include any of your defined products or services to generate sales.
Autotask is equipped with numerous fields that capture CRM information. But you can also create custom user-defined fields to capture details specific to your needs and processes.
To manage interactions with companies, contacts and opportunities you can schedule future activities such as calls or meetings as To-Do items which can be then be tracked as Notes in CRM.
Be sure to check out how to get the data you want in Autotask CRM.