Our founder, Dustin Puryear, was interviewed on WRKF NPR in “One Foot In Each World” by Stephanie Riegel about his role in Giant Rocketship, the innovative AI-driven service management platform.

From the interview’s website: “Dustin Puryear is founder and CEO of Giant Rocketship, a Baton Rouge based tech company that has developed an AI-powered project manager that efficiently assigns and monitors tasks for IT companies, and can reassign them if a team member faces challenges or is unavailable.
Dustin founded Giant Rocketship as an outgrowth of Puryear IT, which provides a range of IT services for small and medium-sized business. Dustin still owns both companies, but spends most of his time these days focused on Giant Rocketship.
Dustin has also has a developed a niche as a speaker in IT circles, where he shares insights on technology, cybersecurity and AI.”