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How to Run a Daily MSP Helpdesk Huddle Like a Pro

So, you’re thinking about running a daily helpdesk huddle. Good news! Done right, it can be one of the most productive and engaging parts of your day. Done wrong, though, and your team will dread this meeting like it’s a dentist appointment. Let’s keep it fun, short, and packed with actionable info. No rambling, no “I don’t know” answers, and definitely no meetings that drag on until everyone’s brain has turned to mush.

The Golden Rule: Keep It Short and Sweet

We’re aiming for no more than 6 minutes total—that’s right, folks. Just 2 minutes per tier, tops. And here’s the kicker: it’s not story time. Each tier gets their metrics, a few action items, and if there are any obstacles, we’ll clear those up at the end.

The Huddle Schedule

1. Tier 1 (2 minutes): The Frontline Warriors

  • First-Time Close for Yesterday – “Yesterday’s wins.” How many tickets did we handle like tech ninjas on the first go?
  • Tickets Carried Over to Today – Any lingering tickets that need love today.
  • Tickets Older than 1 Day – These are the ones starting to smell a bit. Let’s make sure they’re not rotting in the queue.

Pro Tip: Tier 1 should be lightning fast here. If the first-time close was awesome, they can celebrate with a virtual high five. If not, they’re rolling those sleeves up for today. The goal is clear: fewer carryovers, fewer “stale” tickets.

2. Tier 2 (2 minutes): The Mid-Level Saviors

  • Tickets Older than 3 Days – We don’t want these tickets becoming ancient history.
  • SLA Resolution % Week-to-Date – Are we hitting our targets for the week? If not, let’s diagnose why.
  • Additional Metric (Example: Escalations to Tier 3) – How many tickets did we kick upstairs, and can we avoid doing so in the future?

Pro Tip: Tier 2’s big focus is those 3-day-old tickets that could become problem children. If SLAs are slipping, now’s the time to triage before you’re swamped.

3. Tier 3 (2 minutes): The Ticket Whisperers

  • Tickets Older than 2 Weeks – These tickets are practically fossils. It’s time to dig them up and close them out.
  • SLA Resolution % Month-to-Date – We’re talking big-picture numbers here. Are we delivering as promised for the month?
  • Additional Metric (Example: Total Ticket Backlog) – Are we on track or drowning in unresolved tickets?

Pro Tip: Tier 3 should focus on those long-running tickets and big-picture SLA trends. This isn’t about firefighting; it’s about putting out the lingering embers before they become wildfires.

Wrapping Up: Obstacles and Roadblocks (2 minutes max)

This is where your team has the chance to say, “Hey, I need help,” without fear of judgment. Make sure everyone knows that this is a safe space for asking questions, removing blockers, and helping each other shine. And, please—no long-winded explanations. We’re solving problems here, not writing a novel.


In this webinar, Dustin Puryear, Autotask expert and MSP industry veteran, will show you how to set up Kanban boards in Autotask, integrate them with your workflow rules, and how to get the most out of them.

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