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Different Methods for Attaching an SLA to a Ticket in Datto Autotask: Comparing Workflow Rules and Contracts

In Datto Autotask, there are several methods available for attaching a Service Level Agreement (SLA) to a ticket. Choosing the right method depends on the specific needs and requirements of your organization. This article will explore the different ways to attach an SLA to a ticket in Datto Autotask, with a focus on the comparison between using an Autotask Workflow Rule and an Autotask Contract.

Customer Classification

One approach to attaching an SLA to a ticket in Datto Autotask is through customer or company classification. With this method, service levels are specific to each customer or based on the classification of the company. You can configure a workflow rule that applies the appropriate SLA to the ticket based on the ticket’s associated company. For example, you can assign a Standard SLA to most customers and a Premium SLA to premium customers.

Asset or Asset Type/Product Category

Another method of attaching an SLA to a ticket in Datto Autotask is based on individual assets, asset types, or product categories. In this approach, service levels are determined by the specific assets involved in the ticket, such as workstations or servers. A workflow rule can be set up to automatically apply the correct SLA to the ticket based on the asset or asset type. For instance, you can assign a Standard SLA to workstations and a Premium SLA to servers.

Issue and Sub-Issue Types

The third method of attaching an SLA to a ticket in Datto Autotask relies on the ticket’s issue and sub-issue types. With this approach, service levels are linked to the specific type of issue the ticket addresses. By configuring a workflow rule, the SLA can be automatically applied to the ticket based on the issue and sub-issue types. For example, you can have different response objectives for a hardware issue on a workstation compared to a server.

Autotask Workflow Rule vs Autotask Contract Assignment

Now, let’s discuss why you would choose to use an Autotask Workflow Rule versus an Autotask Contract when attaching an SLA to a ticket in Datto Autotask.

An Autotask Workflow Rule provides a flexible and dynamic way to automatically apply SLAs based on different criteria such as customer classification, asset type, or issue type. This method allows for granular control and can adapt to specific ticket requirements. It is ideal when you have varying SLA needs for different customers, assets, or issues.

On the other hand, an Autotask Contract offers a more standardized approach to attaching SLAs. Contracts can be associated with specific customers or assets, ensuring consistent SLA application across all related tickets. This method simplifies management by providing a predefined SLA tied to the contract. It is suitable when you have a standardized set of SLAs for a specific customer or asset type.


There are multiple ways to attach an SLA to a ticket in Datto Autotask. Customer or company classification, asset or asset type/product category, and issue and sub-issue types are all viable options. Choosing between an Autotask Workflow Rule and an Autotask Contract depends on your specific requirements and preferences.


In this webinar, Dustin Puryear, Autotask expert and MSP industry veteran, will show you how to set up Kanban boards in Autotask, integrate them with your workflow rules, and how to get the most out of them.

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