Sometimes you want to create a ticket for a client in Autotask opposed to the client creating one via email or a portal. There’s debate on whether the client should be notified of this — sometimes it’s for internal work, sometimes it’s client facing, but that is really down to your process. But, for this blog, let’s assume that when you create a new Ticket directly in Autotask, that you want the client to get an email.
The easiest way to do this is to create an Autotask Workflow Rule (WFR) that triggers when a ticket is created. Yup, that’s easy! However, note that this means the Ticket Contact will be notified every time, even if you create a new ticket and set the Ticket Status to Complete, this WFR will trigger.
- Open Autotask
- Click on (A)->Admin->Workflow Rules
- In the Service Desk tab, click New
- Set these fields:
- Workflow Rule Name: Notify Ticket Contact of New Ticket
- General Tab
- Events -> Created / Edited -> Created By (anyone)
- Notification Tab
- Recipients: select Ticket Contact
- Send Email From: (most service providers choose Support Email Address)
- Notification -> Autotask comes with the “Notify Customer of New Ticket Creation”
- Click Save&Close